欧亚大陆中首屈一指的医疗展盛会,将供应商与土耳其和邻近的新兴欧亚市场医疗保健行业的主要决策者聚集在一起,Expomed Eurasia 是医院和医疗设备、医疗技术的领先且不可或缺的专业展会,每年在伊斯坦堡连接欧亚大陆中不断发展的医疗设备行业。 Exped Eurasia已成为医疗行业代表的战略交汇点,欧洲、亚洲、北非和中东。
为什么参加Expomed Eurasia
- 欧亚大陆在医疗保健行业具有巨大潜力。 欧亚大陆的医疗保健总支出为500亿美元。
- 巴尔干、高加索、俄罗斯、西亚和中亚、中东和北非国家构成了参观Exppmed的最大买家群体。
- 由于其购买力、文化纽带和商业潜力,邻近的欧亚大陆国家为土耳其的医疗保健行业提供了最重要的市场。
- 欧亚大陆的发展需求很高,使Expomed成为建立新业务关系和机会的重要国际平台。
- 由于靠近土耳其,欧亚大陆对医疗产品有很高需求的商人选择Expomed Eurasia开展业务和建立网络。
“I am glad that I have visited the Expomed Eurasia Fair. The fact that the products were segmented in different halls enabled me to easily reach the products and brands I was looking for. Thanks to this fair, I could reach new companies that could be beneficial for my business. I recommend it to anyone who plans to visit this fair, as I think face-to-face communication is very important for business. I will continue visiting this fair in the coming years.”
“We are very pleased as we were able to achieve the results we expected from this show. We had visitors from Türkiye and Indonesia, as well as from African countries like Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Thanks to this fair, we found new business partners. I highly recommend this show to visitors since the entire Turkish medical market is here and it is a huge market and they have wide products range. We think that other companies should definitely take part in Expomed Eurasia as exhibitors.”
“Expomed Eurasia is a trade fair that I have visited for years and will continue to do so. I am very pleased with this year, as well. This trade provides the opportunity to easily reach the manufacturers that we have difficulty in reaching. I would recommend this fair to anyone who considers visiting, as there are various product options related to the healthcare sector and it offers the opportunity to closely follow the latest developments in the industry.”
展览地点:Tüyap Fair and Congress Center,土耳其伊斯坦堡